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Incident Report Form
E W M C 
Electrical Workers Minority Caucus
P. O. Box 821462
Vancouver, WA 98682

February 18, 2019

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

I want to explain the purpose and reason for the Incident Report Form. As you all know, if something is not documented it didn’t happen.
There have been incidents of racial, homophobic and gender bias and discrimination in the workplace. These incidents amount to intimidation and are based in fear and ignorance.

We must do whatever we can to stop these attacks. Our places of work and wherever IBEW members work and gather should be safe places.
When something despicable happens to one of us it happens to all of us.

It is incumbent on each and every one of us to be an advocate of the IBEW Constitution. That includes the Declaration of the International
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers on page ii and the Objects on page iv.

Being an advocate means when you see something you say something. Just because the target of discrimination is not present doesn’t mean we
allow the inappropriate language or behavior to go unchecked. If we don’t act, we are condoning the behavior and saying it is okay.

The Incident Report Form follows protocol in making sure the local union is first contacted and made aware of the incident. The EWMC is not an
enforcement agency. However, we want to record all incidents and make sure the IBEW is aware of these incidents. If it is not reported the IBEW can’t do anything about it.

Please fill out the form appropriately if an occurrence takes place and be expeditious about your reporting.  Click here to complete an online copy of the Incident Report Form.  If you would prefer to submit a written copy of the form, click here to download a copy of the form.  If you choose to submit a written copy of the form, you should keep a copy for your records and forward a copy to EWMC Secretary, Jamell Thrower.  In completing the incident report form, please keep the following in mind:
  • The purpose of the incident report form is to document discriminatory incidents.  Remember if the incident wasn't documented, it never happened.
  • The EWMC has no standing with regard to the incident report form.
  • Forms should be completed by the member.
  • In addition to submitting the form to the Recording Secretary, Chapters should keep a copy of completed incident report forms for their records.
  • The form should be uniquely numbered utilizing the following convention; (District # - Local # - Year - Month - Day - Form #)

Thank you for taking the time to read this explanation and being a responsible EWMC member.

In Solidarity,
Keith Edwards, EWMC President
(503) 957 7189

Page Last Updated: Apr 10, 2022 (08:31:13)
Electrical Workers Minority Caucus
P.O. Box 821462
Vancouver, WA 98682

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