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Executive Committee
Dec 26, 2024

If you would like to contact us email  jamellthrower.ewmc@gmail.com, or send mail to us at:

Electrical Workers Minority Caucus
P.O. Box 821462
Vancouver,WA 98682

Please mail membership status questions and new member applications to Jamell Thrower, EWMC Secretary.

Address other questions or concerns to the Executive Committee member in the area closest to you.


President Emeritus

Robbie Sparks
Retired Business Manager 
Local 2127 - Atlanta, GA

Immediate Past President

Keith Edwards
Retired International Rep and Former Business Manager of Local 48 - Portland, OR
Email: KeithEdwards.EWMC@gmail.com


Sean L. Bagsby
Business Manager and Financial Secretary, Local 46 - Seattle, WA
Email: SeanBagsby.EWMC@gmail.com 

Vice President

Grace Smith
Local 824 - Tampa, FL
Email: GraceSmith.EWMC@gmail.com 

Recording Secretary

Jamell Thrower
Local 26 - Washington, DC
Email: JamellThrower.EWMC@gmail.com


Deon J. Mayes
Business Representative, Local 11 - Los Angeles, CA 
Email: deonjmayes.ewmc@gmail.com


Ticha Albino
Local 353, Toronto, Ontario
Assignments:  LU 26; LU 24; LU 103; LU 353
Email: TichaAlbino.EWMC@gmail.com 

Sylvester Taylor
Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Local 1 - St. Louis, MO
Assignments:  LU 111; LU 113
Email: sylvestertaylor.ewmc@gmail.com

Assignments: Fred Simmons Chapter (LU's 46, 77, 89, 483); Gus Miller Chapter (LU's 48, 125); LU 213; North Cascades Chapter (LU's 89, 191)
Email: TBD 

Robert Madrigal
Local 47, Diamond Bar, CA
Assignments: NorCal Chapter (LU's 6, 332, 595, 617, 1245); SoCal Chapter (LU's 40, 45, 47, 440, 441, 1436)
Email: RobertMadrigal.EWMC@gmail.com 

Michael Roberts
Recording Secretary, Local 110 - St. Paul, MN
Assignments: LU 110; LU 292; LU 668;
Email: MichaelRoberts.EWMC@gmail.com 

Louie Alvarez
Vice President, Local 3 - New York, NY
Assignments: LU 3; LU 25; LU 98; LU 1049
Email: lalvarez@local3ibew.org 

Alonzo Ingram
Vice President, Local 1579 - Augusta, GA

Assignments: LU 177; LU 429; LU 613; LU 824; LU 1579   


Kim Sansom

Business Representative, Local 429 - Nashville, TN

Email: kimsansom.ewmc@gmail.com

Stephen Gonzales
 Business Manager, Local 716 - Houston,TX
 Assignments: LU 520; LU 716; Greater KC (LU's 53, 124, 412, 1613); Greater St. Louis (LU's 1, 1439)
Email: stephengonzales.ewmc@gmail.com 

Joseph K. Wells
Executive Board, Local 134 - Chicago, IL
Assignments: LU 134; LU 159; LU 697; LU 2150
Email: JosephWells.EWMC@gmail.com 

Felicia Wiseman
Local 58 - Detroit, MI 
Assignments: Southeastern Michigan Chapter (LU's 17, 58, 252, 352, and 665); LU 275; LU 481
Email: FeliciaWiseman.EWMC@gmail.com 

Edward Nieves
Assignments: RENEW President
Email: EdwardNieves.EWMC@gmail.com 

Advisors to the National Board

John E. Easton, Jr.
Local 716, Houston, TX

Picture Coming Soon

Wendell Yee
Local 3, New York, NY

Conference Coordinator

Royetta Sanford

Retired Director of Human Services 

Local 18 - Los Angeles, CA

Electrical Workers Minority Caucus
P.O. Box 821462
Vancouver, WA 98682

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